Labels:black | darkness OCR: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJ KLJMENOPQRSTUVW XYZ 0123456789 ` !@# $%^ & *()- +><[ ][}\;"/? iffy 1 Em 2 àáâãäå èêêëiiiīñòóôõö ùúûü 2 The quick brown fox jumps ov the lazy 8 The quick brown fox jumps ov er the lazy dog. 4 The quick brown fox jumps ou er the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps ou er the lazy dog . 6 The quick brown fox jumps ou er the lazy dog . 8 The quick brown fox jumps ou er the lazy dog. 0 The quick brown fox jumps ou er the lazy dog 2